Tasty Mango Cheesecakes

using mangoes with your cheesecake

Extremely Tasty Mango Cheesecakes.

Today we will attempt to pull back the curtain and unveil previously above Top Secret tips and tricks for making the ultimate Cheesecake.   Australian Kensington Pride and American Keitt Mangoes can be used to make a cheesecake taste sensation that will have your friends lining up at your front door wanting a slice.

When it comes to mango flavoured cheesecakes, using the right type of mangoes can make all the difference.

In this article, we will explore why Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes grown in the Northern Territory Australia and Keitt Mangoes grown in Dade County, Florida, USA are my top choices for creating the most delicious mango cheesecakes.

I will also share three mouth watering mango cheesecake recipes that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes.

Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes, also known as Bowen mangoes, have gained a reputation for their exceptional taste and texture. The NT of Australia provides the perfect climate and soil conditions for these mangoes to thrive, resulting in a superior fruit that is bursting with spine tingling flavour.

One of the reasons why Kensington Pride Mangoes are ideal for mango flavoured cheesecakes is their rich, sweet, and tropical taste. The natural sweetness of these mangoes enhances the overall flavour profile of the cheesecake, creating a delightful combination of creamy and fruity goodness.

Moreover, the smooth texture of Kensington Pride Mangoes adds a velvety consistency to the cheesecake filling. It blends seamlessly with the cream cheese, creating a luscious and indulgent dessert that will leave you craving for more.

The Allure of American Keitt Mangoes.

On the other side of the globe, Keitt Mangoes from the southeast tip of the Florida peninsula at Dade Country have become a very popular choice for mango flavoured cheesecakes. Mangoes grown in the Redland growing area in Date County thrive.  The combination of a warm and humid climate, good annual rainfall and fertile soil rich with calcium and magnesium helps make this area produce mangoes of exceptional quality.

Keitt Mangoes grown in Dade County are known for their large size and vibrant green skin, which gradually turns yellow as they ripen. These mangoes have a unique flavour profile, combining sweetness with a hint of tartness. This balance of flavours adds complexity to the mango cheesecake, making it a truly memorable dessert.

Furthermore, Keitt Mangoes have a firm and fibrous flesh, which holds its shape well when incorporated into the cheesecake. This allows for beautiful mango slices to be arranged on top of the cake, creating an enticing visual appeal that complements the delicious taste.

Why I appreciate both Kensington Pride Mangoes and Keitt Mangoes.

1.    Exceptional Taste: Both Kensington Pride Mangoes and Keitt Mangoes offer a unique and delightful flavour that elevates the taste of the cheesecake. Their natural sweetness and balanced acidity create a harmonious blend of flavours that will leave your taste buds dancing with joy.

2.   Perfect Texture: Whether you prefer the smoothness of Kensington Pride Mangoes or the firmness of Keitt Mangoes, both varieties bring a very desirable texture to a mango cheesecake. The creamy filling, combined with the juicy mangoes, creates a delightful contrast that adds to the overall enjoyment of the dessert.

3.   Visual Appeal: Using fresh mango slices from either Kensington Pride Mangoes or Keitt Mangoes not only enhances the taste but also adds a visual appeal to the cheesecake. The vibrant colours of the mangoes make the dessert look irresistible, enticing anyone who lays their eyes on it.

Delicious Mango Cheesecake Recipes.

Now that you have heard why I love the idea of a mango cheesecake and the importance of using the right mangoes for your cheesecake, let’s dive into three delectable mango cheesecake recipes:

Classic Mango Cheesecake.


a)   250g cream cheese.

b)  1 cup crushed digestive biscuits.

c)   1/2 cup melted butter.

d)  1/2 cup sugar.

e)   1 cup fresh mango puree via your food processor or blender.

f)   1 tsp vanilla extract.

g)   3 eggs.


a)   Preheat the oven to 320°F (160°C).

b)  Mix your crushed biscuits and melted butter, then press the mixture into the base of a evenly greased springform pan.

c)   In a separate non porous bowl, beat the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract until it’s all nice and smooth.

d)  Add the chicken eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition.

e)   Gently fold in the yummy mango puree.

f)   Pour the mixture over the biscuit base.

g)   Bake for around 45 minutes or until the centre is nicely set.

h)  Allow your cheesecake to cool before refrigerating for at least 4-5 hours.

i)    Serve it well chilled and garnish this masterpiece with fresh mango slices.

No-Bake Mango Cheesecake Cups.


a)   1 1/2 cups your favourite cracker crumbs.   McVites Digestives and Arnotts Granitas are both good choices.

b)  1/4 cup melted butter.  Land O’Lakes and Kerrygold will both work well.

c)   1 1/2 cups Philadelphia cream cheese.

d)  1/2 cup powdered sugar, try either Domino or C&H brands.

e)   1 tsp vanilla extract.  You might use McCormick, Nielsen-Massey, Simply Organic or Watkins brands.

f)   1 cup fresh mango puree from your Kensington Pride or Keitt Mangoes.

g)   1 cup whipped cream.  Reddi-wip, Cool Whip, Land O’Lakes, Horizon Organic are all great options.


a)   Mix the cracker crumbs and melted butter, then divide the mixture among individual serving cups.

b)  In a separate bowl, beat the cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract until smooth.

c)   Gently fold the mixture in the whipped cream.

d)  Layer the cream cheese mixture and mango puree in the serving cups.

e)   Repeat the layers until all of your the cups are filled.

f)   Refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours before serving.

g)   Garnish with fresh mango slices before serving up to family and friends.


Enjoying a slice of cheesecake is very easy.   Then when we start making cheesecakes using mangoes, they can be slightly too nice for anyone trying to keep the waistline in check.

Delicious mango cheesecakes made with Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes or American Keitt Mangoes will set your taste buds into overdrive, enjoy your dessert folks! 

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